From: James White
To: Gary Novak
Subject: Re: Now will you answer some questions?
Date: Friday, December 11, 1998 6:08 AM

At 10:30 PM 12/10/98 -0800, you wrote:

>If, upon reading _The Forgotten Trinity_, and, say, _Is the
>Mormon My Brother?_, and maybe something really
>challenging, like, _Grieving: Our Path Back to Peace_, you
>wish to engage in "genuine dialogue," please let me know.
>Till then, I have to admit, I have no interest in "dialoguing"
>with those who call me an "anti-Mormon," who mock my
>decision to follow God's leading in my life by putting family,
>church, and ministry ahead of anything else, and who
>ignore the genuine, original, and respected contributions I
>have made."
>Let me emphasize what I have said before, I am simply not
>interested in your publications. To this point I have not been
>interested in them. I have never "mocked" your decision to
>"follow God's leading in [your] life." Again, I am simply not
>interested in such things. And it is true that I "ignore the
>genuine, original, and respected contributions [you] have
>made"--whatever they are--because I am not interested in
>them. By the same token I "ignore" daytime soap operas,
>the fishing industry in Japanese waters and all of the issues
>surrounding cold fusion. But I would like to ask you a couple
>of questions about your Th.D. that I felt were left
>unanswered in the long post on your website. And I would
>love to have you address those issues directly and forthrightly
>and without the bitterness and hostility that your last letter

Bitterness and hostility is found in your use of terms like anti-Mormon (and calling yourself a "cultist"). I have no idea why you can think that my request that you *honestly* evaluate what I have written, taught, and accomplished in my life before calling that work "bogus" is an act of hostility, yet fail to see how a rational person could find your writings to be highly hostile and bitter.

>Is there any chance of such a thing happening?

You can ask whatever you like. Whether I will have any interest in investing *my* time in replying (when you have no interest in investing any of *your* time in honestly examining the issue) is an open question.

^ Sola Scriptura: A Fundamental Truth ^
^ James White, Th.D. * ^
(Acts 20:24) But I do not consider my life of any account
as dear to myself, so that I may finish my course and the
ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify
solemnly of the gospel of the grace of God.

Recte Ambulamus ad Veritatem Evangelii

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