From: Michael B. Parker
Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 1999 10:05 PM
To: Buff Scott, Jr.
Subject: RE: Your "Joseph Smith and Mormonism" web page

Mr. Scott, I have met some pretty dense anti-Mormons in my life. You, however, are one of the most dense. Novak's Rule states:

"When you become an anti-Mormon, expect your IQ to drop 85 points. To put it another way, God strikes you stupid."

I had always thought that Novak was joking. You are living proof that his maxim is most certifiably true.

Believe me, I'm saying this in the most Christian way possible: You are COMPLETELY incapable of understanding a rational argument. You speak much and know little of "Mormons" or "Mormonism." Consequently, even to other anti-Mormons, you will come across as a complete idiot. I am not trying to hurt you, I'm trying to protect you from others who will laugh at your incompetence.

In the spirit of Galatians 4:16, I bid you farewell. Please don't expect to hear from me again.

In Christ and Truth,

Mike Parker

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